
We meet every Sunday morning at 8:30 am, 10 am and 11:30 am with 3 identical contemporary services. Each service is filled with God honoring worship and Jesus inspired preaching that will leave you encouraged and challenged each week. Our goal is to help you fall more deeply in love with God and to help you live a transformed life as you follow Jesus. If you would like to know more about what we believe as a church visit our What We Believe page here.

At Fellowship Church at Plum Creek, we love to welcome new guests. You’ll be greeted by friendly people at the door who will gladly help you find your way around. Our pastoral staff is very approachable and would love to meet you and discuss what God is doing in Fellowship Church.

Got kids? We have an excellent children’s ministry, called Fellowship Kids, filled with wonderful workers who want nothing more than for your child to grow in their knowledge of God and feel cared about as you enjoy the worship celebrations. We view children’s ministry as truly a ministry not a baby-sitting service. We will open and teach out of the word of God each time your kids come to Fellowship Kids.

What about the preacher? Pastor Chris Smith will help you understand how to apply biblical principles to everyday life. The name of Jesus will be lifted high as we explore God’s Word and glorify our Father in heaven. Take a sneak peek at our gatherings on our YouTube Channel

Oh… and you can leave the suit and tie at home if you’d like. Dress is casual at the Fellowship Church. Many people wear jeans or khakis while some worship in shorts and flip flops. Basically, we want you to be free to explore, develop and deepen your relationship with God at Fellowship Church at Plum Creek.

We love to tell others about Christ. We currently take mission trips to Honduras, Germany and Romania. We have missionaries from our church on the ground in Romania, Kenya, Southeast Asia and soon to be Northern Africa/Middle East region. We have a heart for missions both local and foreign. 

We would love for you to browse our site and if you have any questions please use the Contact Us tab here or in the top right of your browser. Thank you for visiting our site and may God bless you.