Our Purpose
Global Missions at Fellowship Church are a way for you to go and fulfill God’s command to make disciples. From the beginning of the Bible to the end we say God’s desire for all nations to praise Him. God commands all of us to be a part of missions. How can you be part of His way of using you globally? We have many ways for you to join and have a an impact on nations all around the world.
Fellowship Church at Plum Creek has been sending teams to Honduras since 2011. The purpose in Honduras is to partner with Honduras congregations and come alongside a local ministry of churches, named El Evangelio es Poder, in proclaiming the gospel of Christ. All teams are encouraged to engage in evangelistic outreach in the communities in which they work. This may include prayer walks, door-to-door visitations, VBS or Back Yard Bible Clubs for children, etc. Our area of focus is in the mountainous region above the city Yorito, Yoro. Currently, there are seven villages that we serve. During spring break, the church sends a team to those areas. Throughout the year, we also send pastors and elders to teach seminary classes to the local pastors and congregants involved in the ministry of El Evangelio es Poder.
The ministry in Romania is unique. We come alongside two local missionaries, Octavian Berechet and Alecs Tudoriou, their families, their team, and their church Hope Baptist Church Draganesti-Olt to bring to gospel to southern Romania through their youth ministry program called Catalyst. Our hope is that Romania’s youth can be raised up to lead the culture and people to Christ. We do this through discipleship. We send a team annually during July to help run a youth camp. The Catalyst team has three youth camps a year. One is a trip for 12-18 year old boys in June in the Carpathian Mountains. The second is camping trip for 5-12 year old children where they have Bible studies, play games, and worship together. Lastly we take a group from FCPC to help run a camp in the Northern Romanian mountain range to do Bible studies, play games, go hiking and worship. Since this relationship began, we have been sending staff members from our church to visit them as an encouragement every year.
East Africa
Since 2017, we have partnered with a non-profit organization called Kulea Villages. They are a ministry that equips families in Kenya and Tanzania with the skills and/or resources needed to care for orphans and vulnerable children in their homes. Believing that every child has a right to be raised in family, Kulea Villages provides for the needs of the children until their parent(s) or caretaker(s) are able. For more info go to www.kuleavillages.org. We are blessed to have the Executive Director of this ministry as a member of our church. Debra Brown Magaya moved to Tanzania in 2019 to expand the work and impact of Kulea Villages. We are currently seeking God’s plan for our church to go to East Africa annually to support Debra and her husband Paul.

In 2020, one of our church members, Shelby Smith, left to Southeast Asia in Phuket, Thailand to serve as a full time missionary. She has partnered with For Freedom International to serve as. teacher at Grace Salon. She has the opportunity to break chains of oppression so that people would encounter Jesus Christ, live in freedom and change the world. As a cosmetology teacher, she will work alongside fellow teachers to help women come out of sexual exploitation and poverty. As a church, we help Shelby financially and spiritually. We talk to her weekly and someone from the church visits her. If you wish to support her, click on the “Give Online” link at the top right of this page and type “Thailand Shelby Smith” in the category box. You can also follow her on blog https://mysideofthailand.home.blog.
Eric and Elizabeth Ream are co-founders and serve on the board of KOFAEL. The Reams are missionaries who serve through Heart of God International Ministries. Since 2011, they provide spiritual direction and financial accountability while advocating for this Haitian organization. In 2020 the Reams returned to Texas on home assignment where they attend our church and still travel and serve the people of Haiti and other ministries around the world. KOFAEL is a Christian non-profit program in Haiti providing micro loans to women facing many challenges due to the economic and natural disasters that have wiped out their small businesses. This mission of KOFAEL is to educate and empower Haitian women to know the Lord and grow in self-sustaining businesses to support their families and communities. Fellowship Church comes alongside this ministry by helping financially and spiritually to continue this mission.

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