Equipping Every man to be more like Christ

Hello Men. Here is the info regarding our Men’s Summer Gathering
WHEN: Tuesdays starting June 11, 7 – 9 pm,
6 consecutive weeks
WHERE: Fellowship Church Auditorium
WHAT: Praise led by Aaron Harper. Bible reading and study. Prayer and fellowship.
COST: Free
NOTES: Bring bible (notebook if desired). Sons/grandsons. Childcare is provided as needed (email Chris Cherry).
Bible Study
The year 2023 for Men’s Ministry at Fellowship Church is about PERSEVERANCE centering on the Summer Bible Study, “Nehemiah: The Art of Perseverance.”
2023 P.E. Challenge
Sticking with the theme of Perseverance, we’ve created several Perseverance Event Challenges (PE Challenges) for 2023 that will help build our character both physically, spiritually, and mentally.
summer bible study
Summer 2022. We walked through 1 John
Men’s retreat
Fall 2022. Camp Penial in Marble Falls
Interested in Serving
If you have a calling to serve the men of our church please contact Chris Cherry