We exist to help kids experience Jesus on their level

Parents are Primary
At Fellowship Kids we love partnering with parents to help kids fall in love with Jesus. We believe parents are the primary faith trainers of their children. That is why we continually develop ways to come alongside parents to support what they are already doing at home.
Be sure and check out our parents wall for resources and everything happening at Fellowship Kids.

Check in Process
You’ll find a convenient children’s check-in station on the right hand side as your enter the lobby. One of our amazing Fellowship Kids volunteers will assist you as your child is placed in an age-appropriate class, with their specific ID tag.
upcoming events

Check back later to see
We always have new and exciting things happening in Fellowship Kids. Come Sunday mornings and Tuesday evenings at 6:30 to see what’s happening.
Previous events
Focus Sports Camp
Each summer, we host a week long sports camp where students sign up for different sport tracks and learn about those sports while also learning God’s plan for their life. The one for 2023 has already happened.
“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”
Interested in Serving in Kid’s Ministry
Email our Children’s Ministry Director
Neth Grant: neth@f-pc.org